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In Collaboration with

Welcome Message

Bandar AlKnawy, MD, FRCPC
Chief Executive Officer,
Ministry of National Guard-Health Affairs
President, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University
for Health Sciences
President, Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the RIYADH GLOBAL DIGITAL HEALTH SUMMIT. This summit will be one of the most important events in its field for this year. It aims to bring together leaders of healthcare systems, public health, digital health, academic institutions and businesses in order to discuss the vital role of digital health in the fight against current and future pandemics.
This two-day global scientific event was well-structured to represent all aspects of digital health and to ensure a wide participation from experts across the world. Hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as one of its G20 presidency associated events, and organised by the Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs in collaboration with Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnerships, this virtual international digital health summit will be a landmark forum in order for the digital technology and innovation to be a cornerstone in a resilient global healthcare system of the future. We look forward to seeing you all on the 11th-12th of August 2020.
Global Health system connectivity in preparedness and response
to COVID-19 Pandemics.
The Summit aims to conclude with the "Riyadh Digital Health Declaration" to leverage digital technologies in support of public health innovation in combatting COVID-19 pandemic, its current, and future impact.
- Promote the thriving digital health technologies and its role in enabling public health solutions in the fight against the pandemics.
- Enhance the digital health technology in monitoring, surveillance, detection and prevention of COVID-19.
- Empower the role of digital health in mitigation of COVID-19 impact on the healthcare system delivery.
- Advance joint efforts in developing equitable and widely used digital technologies in tackling current and future viral pandemics.
- Cultivate the knowledge, skills and training in digital technologies in order to face future public health challenges.
- Foster the responsible and well-governed use of digital health data in fighting COVID-19 in order to maintain the public trust and best cybersecurity practices.
- Pave the path towards multilateral organization strategic partnerships road map for digital health regarding pandemic crisis off-set.
Summit Chair

H.E. Dr. Tawfig AlRabiah
Minister of Health
Bernardo Mariano Junior

Dr. Nahar M. Al Azemi

Dr. Nurah Maziad S. Alamro

Prof Mahmood Adil

Paul B. Rothman, M.D.

Dr. Louise Schaper

Dr. Ayman Abdo

Professor George Crooks

Prof. Michael Klag
Summit Co-Chair

Prof. Hui Wang

Chiara Poletto

Zisis Kozlakidis

Prof Ann Blandford

Prof. Sasu Tarkoma
Summit Speakers

Dr. Hanan Balkhy

Raed AlHazme, PhD

Dr. Erik Volz

Prof. Uichin Lee

Kyu Rhee, MD, MPP

Arif M. Rana, Ph.D., Ed.S., M.S., M.P.H., M.A.

John Rayner

Professor René Amalberti

Dr. Louise Schaper

Prof. David Bates

Dr. Esam Al Wagait

Ali Mokdad, PhD

Prof. Hui Wang

Dr. Hani Jokhdar

Dr. Mike Catchpole

Chiara Poletto

Professor Michael Kidd

Tom Denwood
Scientific Topics
The science of digital epidemiology is a new evolving
Digital epidemiology can be broadly defined as epidemiology
(science of control the diseases) that uses digital methods
from data collection to data analysis, this data was not
generated for a primary goal of epidemiological studies.
This topic has the following objectives
- Digital data to support public health surveillance and infectious disease monitoring
- The role of digital systems in early detection of pandemics (ProMED-Mail, Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN), HealthMap, and Google Flu Trends (GFT))
- Challenges facing the use of digital epidemiology data including data privacy, availability and analysis.
The mathematical pandemics prediction models have played a
major role in shaping the health policy, the public opinion
and the healthcare response to pandemics.
In this topic the following areas will be discussed:
- Overview of the pandemic's prediction models in previous and current pandemics
- Prediction models methodology and assumptions
- Validity and reliability of prediction models
- Challenges facing pandemics prediction models
- Future of predictions model’s role in tackling pandemics
Human behavior determines how pandemics spread and digital health has a key role in enhancing this behavior to improve the pandemics outcomes In this topic, the discussion will focus on developing behavioral strategies in reducing the infection transmission using technology.
- International approach to modifying human behaviors during the crisis
- The technology current and future role in modifying human behaviors
- Challenges to the use of digital health technology in changing behaviors
This topic explores the ways that digital technology supports the public health practices in tackling pandemics.
The international perspectives of following areas will be covered.
- Enhancing public health education using digital solutions
- Surveillance systems
- National digital tracing
- Public health decision support systems
- Public health Remote monitoring
This topic explores ways the evolving wellness technology has supported health systems in tackling pandemics.
The following areas to be covered:
- Wellness technology role in supporting mental health for both the public and the healthcare workers
- Wellness technology role in maintaining physical fitness
- The role of Wellness technology in post COVID-19 era
AI has a vital role during this pandemic. It helped in early detection and diagnosis, monitoring of treatment, contact tracing, predicting mortality and morbidity, development of drugs and vaccines, and the prevention of the disease.
In this topic the following areas will be covered:
- AI actual and potential contributions to the fight against pandemics
- The role of AI in social control during pandemics
- Constraints to AI usage to its full potential
- Future strategy of AI in healthcare post COVID-19
This topic focuses on developing public health communication strategies. It highlights the important role that communication plays in pandemics.
The main objectives of this topic:
- Overview of the communication in pandemics at the age of social media
- Public health communications principles (transparency, reliability, and trust)
- Measures to develop a robust communications surveillance strategy
The provision of healthcare remotely has been a key part of healthcare response to the COVID-19 pandemics.
In this topic the following areas will be discussed:
- The role of telehealth in the provision of care to non-COVID 19 patients
- Telehealth role in reducing the spread of infections
- The telehealth clinical outcomes during the pandemic
- The perception of patients and healthcare workers to the use of telehealth
- Strategies of implementing telehealth in the post-pandemic’s era
The health policy at national and global level has a key role in the fight against COVID 19.
This topic, the focus is on highlighting successful health policies and analyzing its impact on the pandemics outcomes.
The following policies and its impact will be discussed and analyzed:
- Prevention of the transmission
- Ensuring adequate infrastructure and work force capacity
- Effective provision of the health services
- Financing health services during crisis
- Governance of the health services during crisis
- Implementing and lifting the lockdown criteria and practices
- Measures to prevent a second wave of pandemics
Scientific Publication
A group of the summit’s advisory board members, speakers, and organizing committee members have published their work with The Lancet
Communicating in a public health crisis
Hui Wang, Paul D Cleary, Julian Little, Charles Auffray
View PublicationOpportunities and challenges for telehealth within, and beyond, a pandemic
Ann Blandford, Janet Wesson, René Amalberti, Raed AlHazme, Ragad Allwihan,
View PublicationApplications of predictive modelling early in the COVID-19 epidemic
Chiara Poletto, Samuel V Scarpino, Erik M Volz
View PublicationDigital public health and COVID-19
Christopher J L Murray, Nurah Maziad S Alamro, Hee Hwang, Uichin Lee
View PublicationGlobal health and data-driven policies for emergency responses to infectious disease outbreaks
Zisis Kozlakidis, Joud Abduljawad, Ali M Al Khathaami, Louise Schaper, John Stelling
View PublicationFighting pandemics with digital epidemiology
Sasu Tarkomaa, Suliman Alghnamb, Michael D.Howellc
View PublicationThe Riyadh Declaration: the role of digital health in fighting pandemics
H.E. Bandar Al Knawy, Mahmood Adil, George Crooks, Kyu Rhee, David Bates, Hani Jokhdar,
View PublicationEvent Program
Day 01
11 August, 2020
Day 02
12 August, 2020
Riyadh Time

Welcome Remarks
H.E. Dr. Bandar Alknawy
Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of National Guard-Health AffairsPresident, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
President, Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit
Riyadh Time

Bernardo Mariano Junior
Director, Digital Health & InnovationChief Information Officer (CIO)
World Health Organization

Chiara Poletto
Researcher (CR)Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique (IPLESP)
INSERM, France

Epidemiology in the Digital Era
(20 min)
Dr. Hanan Balkhy
Assistant Director-General, Antimicrobial Resistance, World Health Organization
Emerging Surveillance Technologies
(20 min)
Raed AlHazme, PhD
Executive DirectorInformation Services and Informatics Division
Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs
Riyadh Time

Paul B. Rothman, M.D.
Dean of the Medical FacultyChief Executive Officer
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Prof. Sasu Tarkoma
Professor of Computer ScienceHead of the Department of Computer Science
University of Helsinki, Finland

Predicting Pandemics – Is the Technology Available Now?
(20 min)
Dr Erik Volz
Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, Imperial College University, London, United Kingdom
Global Case Studies of Pandemic Predictions
(20 min)
Ali Mokdad, PhD
Professor of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, Chief Strategy Officer of Population Health, University of WashingtonRiyadh Time

Prof. Michael Klag
Second Century Distinguished ProfessorDean Emeritus
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Novel Communication Methods Amid Crises, Lessons Learned
(20 min)
Prof. Hui Wang
Dean at the School of Public HealthShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Measures to Develop a Robust Communications Surveillance Strategy
(20 min)
Dr. Hani Jokhdar
Deputy Minister for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaRiyadh Time

Dr. Nahar M. Al Azemi
Secretary-GeneralSaudi Health Council
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Prof Mahmood Adil
Medical DirectorPublic Health Scotland
National Clinical Data & Digital Lead
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Honorary Professor of Health Intelligence & Service Effectiveness
University of Glasgow

Impact of Health Policy on Pandemics.
(20 min)
Dr. Mike Catchpole
Chief ScientistEuropean Centre for
Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

The Role of Digital Health in National Policy Responses to a Pandemic
(20 min)
Professor Michael Kidd
Deputy Chief Medical OfficerAustralian Government Department of Health
Professor of Primary Care Reform
The Australian National University
Riyadh Time

Dr. Nurah Maziad S. Alamro
Assistant Professor of Public Health, King Saud UniversityCentennial Fellow at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health

Prof. Hui Wang
Dean at the School of Public HealthShanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Nudging the Public to Improve Compliance
(20 min)
Professor Uichin Lee
Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge Service Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
The Role of National Open Data Strategy in Pandemics
(20 min)
Tom Denwood
Executive DirectorData, Insights and Statistics
NHS Digital
Riyadh Time

Prof Mahmood Adil
Medical DirectorPublic Health Scotland
National Clinical Data & Digital Lead
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Honorary Professor of Health Intelligence & Service Effectiveness
University of Glasgow

How Technology has Changed the Science of Public Health
(20 min)
Kyu Rhee, MD, MPP
Vice President and Chief Health Officer, IBM Corporation and IBM Watson Health
Data Driven Analysis of the Global COVID-19 Dissemination
(20 min)
Chiara Poletto
Researcher (CR)Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique (IPLESP)
Riyadh Time

Dr. Louise Schaper
Chief Executive Officer, Australasian Digital Health InstituteAustralia

Zisis Kozlakidis
HeadLaboratory Services and Biobank Group
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

Wearable Technologies to Monitor High Risk Patients During Pandemics
(20 min)
Dr Arif Rana
Arif M. Rana, Ph.D., Ed.S., M.S., M.P.H., M.A.
Associate ProfessorChair, Health Informatics Department
and Director, Biomedical Informatics Program
Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine
Nova Southeastern University, USA

Wellness Technologies in Supporting the Health of Public/Healthcare Workers
(20 min)
John Rayner
Regional Director HIMSS Analytics-EMEARiyadh Time

Dr. Ayman Abdo
Secretary-GeneralSaudi Commission for Health Specialties
Saudi Arabia

Prof Ann Blandford
Professor & Deputy Director (Digital Health) of UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering Professor of Human-Computer interaction University College London
Maintaining Healthcare Delivery During Shutdowns
(20 min)
(Telehealth intreating COVID 19 patients)
Professor René Amalberti
Professor of Medicine, Senior Advisor, Patient Safety, Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), France
It’s Healthcare, But Not as We Know It. Delivering Health in the Post-Pandemic Era
(20 min)
Dr. Louise Schaper
Chief Executive Officer, Australasian Digital Health Institute, AustraliaDiscussion
(20 min)
Riyadh Time

Professor George Crooks
Chief ExecutiveDigital Health and Care Institute

The Role of AI in Fighting Current and Future Pandemics
(20 min)
Dr. Esam Al Wagait
Director, National Information Center, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Use of AI in Weathering the COVID Storm
(20 min)
Professor David Bates
Medical Director, Clinical and Quality AnalysisInformation Systems Partners HealthCare System, Inc.
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine Brigham & Women's Hospital
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
United States
(20 min)
Riyadh Time

President, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences
President of Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit

Ministry of National Guard - Health Affairs

Quality & Patient Safety Ministry of National Guard-Health Affairs

Chairman of Clinical Performance
Ministry of National Guard-Health Affairs

Director, King Abdullah Arabic Health Encyclopedia
Assistant Professor, Molecular Medical Microbiology
King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences

International Conferences & Events
Executive Director

International Conferences & Events
Event Management Director

International Conferences & Events
Event Manager
Advisory Board

Prof Mahmood Adil

Prof. Ann Blandford

Dr. Holger Kunz

Prof. Sasu Tarkoma

Prof. Michael Klag

Prof. David Bates

Christopher J.L. Murray

Prof. Christine Dennis

Prof. Hui Wang

Dr. Erik Volz

Dr. Zisis Kozlakidis

Dr. Jennifer Zelmer

Dr. Louise Schaper
Media Center
- Saudi Arabia to host Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit on 11 & 12 August, 2020 bringing together leaders of healthcare systems, public health, digital health, academic institutions and businesses to discuss the vital role of digital health in the fight against current and future pandemics.
- The virtual summit is being organised by the Ministry of National Guard and the G20 Saudi Secretariat and in collaboration with Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnerships.
- H.E. Minister of Health in Saudi Arabia will be chairing the Riyadh Declaration session.
- WHO Director of Digital Health & Innovation (CIO), NHS Digital Data, Insights and Statistics Executive Director, Australia’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer and IBM’s Chief Health Officer are among the line-up of top expert speakers, including scientists from the world’s leading universities.
July 29,2020, Riyadh – Saudi Arabia will on 11th & 12th August host Riyadh Global Digital Health Summit (RGDHS), bringing together leaders of healthcare systems, public health, digital health, academic institutions and businesses to discuss the vital role of digital health in the fight against current and future pandemics.
The virtual two-day summit, organised by the Ministry of National Guard’s Health Affairs Department and G20 Saudi Secretariat in collaboration with the Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnerships, is part of International Conferences Program in G20 Saudi Secretariat honoring the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s presidency year. It follows the G20 Extraordinary Summit held on 26th March 2020, during which G20 member countries expressed their commitment to providing a united front to combatting COVID-19.
A well-structured event programme will represent all aspects of digital health and ensure a wide participation from experts across the world.
H.E. Dr. Bandar Alknawy CEO Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, President- Riyadh Global Health Summit, commented: “The pandemic has undoubtedly accelerated appreciation for technological solutions, so healthcare professionals must now seize this opportunity to build on previous strides forward in digital health and advocate for accelerated digitalization as a core part of countries’ recovery plans.
“RGDHS is far more than a healthcare conference; it is a global digital platform bringing together people who have the ability to work collaboratively to accelerate our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, paving the way for a united effort to manage the crisis and build capacity and resilience for the future.”
Before the action-orientated summit concludes with a “Riyadh Declaration” that will set out a roadmap for accelerating digital health innovations to fight the current and future pandemics, summit participants will hear from an expert line-up of speakers on a range of topics including digital epidemiology, pandemic prediction models, behavioural medicine, digital public health, AI, wellness technologies and telehealth.
المركز الاعلامي
رواد القطاع الصحي في قمة الرياض لرسم ملامح خارطة مكافحة الأوبئة
- تستضيف المملكة العربية السعودية قمة الرياض العالمية للصحة الرقمية يومي 11 و12 أغسطس 2020، وتضم مشاركين من أوساط الرعاية الصحية من حول العالم لمناقشة الدور المحوري الذي تؤديه الصحة الرقمية في مكافحة الأوبئة.
- تنظم وزارة الحرس الوطني القمة الرقمية بالتعاون مع الأمانة السعودية لمجموعة العشرين والمركز السعودي للشراكات الاستراتيجية الدولية.
- معالي وزير الصحة السعودي سيرأس الجلسة الختامية لبيان قمة الرياض العالمية للصحة الرقمية.
- سيكون مدير عام منظمة الصحة العالمية للصحة الرقمية والابتكار ، والمدير التنقيذي للبيانات والإحصاء في الخدمات الطبية الوطنية البريطانية> إضافة إلى نائب رئيس دائرة الصحة في أستراليا، ورئيس دائرة الصحة في شركة آي بي إم على قائمة الخبراء المتحدثين في القمة، والتي تضم كذلك عدداً من العلماء من الجامعات والجهات العلمية الرائدة حول العالم.
يوليو 29، 2020، الرياض – تستضيف المملكة العربية السعودية قمة الرياض العالمية للصحة الرقمية في تاريخ 11 و12 من شهر أغسطس القادم، والتي تهدف إلى الجمع بين قادة أوساط الرعاية الصحية، والصحة العامة، والصحة الرقمية، والمؤسسات الأكاديمية والتجارية لمناقشة الدور الجوهري الذي تؤديه الصحة الرقمية في مواجهة الأوبئة الراهنة والمستقبلية.
وتنعقد القمة الافتراضية بتنظيم من الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني والأمانة السعودية لمجموعة العشرين وبالتعاون مع المركز السعودي للشراكات الاستراتيجية الدولية، وهذه القمة هي جزء من برامج المؤتمرات الدولية المنعقدة على هامش عام الرئاسة السعودية لمجموعة العشرين. وينعقد هذا اللقاء عقب القمة الاستثنائية لمجموعة العشرين التي انعقدت في السادس والعشرين من شهر مارس المنصرم، والتي عبرت خلالها الدول الأعضاء عن التزامها بالعمل ضمن جبهة موحدة لمكافحة وباء كوفيد-19.
ويركز البرنامج في محاوره على كافة جوانب الصحة الرقمية، ويضم مشاركات واسعة من الخبراء حول العالم.
هذا وصرح معالي الدكتور بندر بن عبدالمحسن القناوي، المدير العام التنفيذي للشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني، رئيس قمة الرياض العالمية للصحة الرقمية: "ساهم الوباء دون شك في ارتفاع قيمة الحلول التكنولوجية بوتيرة متسارعة، ومن واجب المتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية اغتنام هذه الفرصة بدورهم للبناء على ما قطعوه من أشواط في عالم الصحة الرقمية، والدعوة بقوة إلى تعجيل الرقمنة في المجال بصفتها جزء محوري من خطط التعافي الدولي.
وتعد قمة الرياض العالمية للصحة الرقمية أكثر من مجرد مؤتمر للرعاية الصحية، فهي منصة رقمية دولية تجمع نخبة من الكفاءات العالمية القادرة على التعاون في سبيل تعجيل استجابة العالم لوباء كوفيد-19، وتمهد الطريق نحو تشكيل جبهة موحدة لإدارة الأزمات وبناء القدرات من أجل مستقبل قادر على الصمود في وجه التطورات."
وسيحظى المشاركون في القمة بالاستماع إلى مجموعة من الخبراء في مواضيع مختلفة، بما في ذلك علم الأوبئة الرقمي، ونماذج تنبؤ الأوبئة، والطب السلوكي، والصحة العامة الرقمية، والذكاء الاصطناعي، والتكنولوجيا الصحية، والرعاية الصحية عن بُعد. وستختتم القمة أعمالها بإعلان الرياض الذي سيحدد إطار خطة العمل لتسريع الابتكارات في مجال الصحة الرقمية لمحاربة الأوبئة الراهنة والمستقبلية.